Head of the Department: Zhakianova  Zhanna   Gazhkenovna


Phone: +7 (7222) 56-08-75

Inner telephone (ip): 125

Address: 071400 Republic of Kazakhstan, Semey, st. Baiseitova 5


Didactic-methodical activity

Research activities

educational activities


Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Design is a subdivision of the Kazakhstan innovative university. In its activities the Department is guided by the normative legal documents of Kazakhstan in the sphere of education, internal documents, approved by the Academic Council of the KIU. The educational process is carried out on credit technology and in accordance with the work plan of the KIU, the calendar-thematic plan of the Department of the following areas: learning, teaching, education, research, career guidance.

The department operates from 2013. The first head of the department “Philology, Pedagogy and Psychology” was the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Omarov S.S Due to structural changes in the department was renamed in 2014, is currently the department “Pedagogy, Psychology and Design” headed by Doctor (PhD) on pedagogical sciences, associate professor, owner of the  state  scientific grant for talented young scientists for 2015-2016. Zhakianov Zh. G

The department trains specialists in the state and Russian and  English  languages on five undergraduate majors and graduate programs:

  1. 5B010300 – Pedagogy and Psychology
  2. 5V050300 – Psychology
  3. 5V010700 – Fine art and drawing
  4. 5V042103 – Design
  5. 6M010300 – Pedagogy and Psychology

Department of State – qualified teaching staff is 50%.

Didactic-methodical activity

The  department regularly develops educational and methodical documentation in accordance with the requirements of the SMQ of the university: the modular educational programs, educational complexes, guidelines and recommendations, collections of test tasks and questions. The examination materials develop on each discipline in order to form the acquired knowledge, abilities and skills formed. All it implemented in the educational process of the university.

At the annual methodical week, the department conducts  round tables, open classes, psychological training and other educational activities.

PTS of  department systematically increases skills in international, national seminars, trainings.

As part of the program of multilingual education in 2015-2016 academic year for students of 1,2,3 courses in some disciplines are  conducted in English.

In order to prove  the theoretical knowledge of students, their abilities and skills  they go  to  the professional practices in educational and other institutions, which have been concluded due  to contracts.

In  order to help high school students to study the content of the program material in the basic and main subjects, to  form  skills of independent work, the development of analytical thinking  department develops training  educational tools.

There are 4 specialized cabinets of department: Pedagogy and Psychology, fine arts and drawing, design, age physiology and school hygiene. Classrooms are equipped with the appropriate material and technical resources to help the students to carry out practical, independent work.


The theme of the scientific research of the department is “Preparing a competent teacher in the conditions of integration into the international educational space” in the framework of the methodological scientific – research topics University “Current trends in the training of professional personnel in the higher education modernization of the conditions” (state registration number 0115RK01122).

Staff of the department has identified the following purpose of the study – the study and determination of psychological and pedagogical foundations of a competent teacher training in terms of integration into the international educational space.

Under this theme scientific articles were published   in national and international journals (Austria, Germany), including indexed in databases Thomson Reuters, Scopus, included in KKSON list of other national journals and collections of materials of international and republican scientific-methodical, scientific and practical conferences.

In addition, the staff of the department actively manages  Undergraduates and students take part in conferences, winning prizes.

There are  a  few  scientific  clubs in The: “Young scientists”, “Training Club”, “Art  for  human.” The purpose of the clubs is to create communication, research, inventive and others. Skills of the permanent members of are  participation in scientific conferences, exhibitions of creative works, psychological trenigov, students’ educational activities.

Achievements of students

Night of Science was held in April, 2016 as a part of the annual scientific session in KIU. A team «Bright Future presented the projects Two  Orphans under  one  Shanyrak scientific  leader Baygundinova B.I.  The team « Soulstars » group PP-21 and their project the therapy of the stress among students was awarded with diploma of 1 degree. The team «Fromm» PP-31and  their  project Aggression  among  teenagers was  awarded by  certificate. Қudaybergenova Zh., Nurmukhanbetova B were awarded by thanksgiving letters for the participation  30 year anniversary of  the  Museum  of  the Nevzorovs.  Қudaybergenova Zh  was awarded the certificate for  the  participation at  the  round  table devoted  to the celebration of the 25th  anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The group PP-21 took part in the competition “Tolagay” and awarded with thanksgiving letter of held at college of “Transport and communications”.


Educational activities are carried out in accordance with the plan of educational work of the university, the department, curators of groups and individual plan of work of teachers in the following areas: civil, patriotic, spiritual and moral, intellectual, labor, physical, aesthetic, the formation of healthy lifestyle.

Among the achievements of students – awards  in the intellectual, scientific research, sports, music, competitions, contests.

Samarova Rauana  4th year student of the specialty “Psychology” in the 2015-2016 academic year  won the scholarship of President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In the 2016-17 academic year 3rd year student of the specialty “Pedagogy and Psychology” Mahatova A., A. Hapan  were awarded scholarships of Kazkom (BTA) Bank.

Mahatova A. Hapal A.Қazhymoldina A took 1 place at the intellectual game What? Where? When? on the day of the First President .

Students of the department are the performers of music, dances  performs   Among them dombrists are Aykymbekov Sh (Izo-22), A. Armankyzy (PS-31), SeilgazievaAlua (PS-21), poet Hatamullaeva T. (PS-21), vocalists Hapan A. (PP-31), Kalieva L. ( PS-42), dancer Nayzabaeva D. (PP-21).

Actively promoting a healthy lifestyle, students  Kudaybergenov Sh Kurapanbaeva G., A. Shevchenko held honorary prizes in sports.

Student of gr. PP-31 Hapan A is the winner of the university competition “University beauty-2016.”

For excellent study, social activities, students of the department are awarded diplomas and thankgiving letters of the President of KIU N.A. Apsalyamov : Mahatova A. (PP-31 c.) Hapan A. (PP-31 c.), Kalieva  L (gr. PS-42),. Bakhytbek A (gr. PP-41), A. Armankyzy (gr. PS-31), D. Rahymbekova (SS-21).

Students of the department are published in the university newspaper “Innovation-   Balaschak” and KIU website.