Head: Kurmangaliyeva Nurgul Kadylbekovna
Phone: +7 (7222) 56-08-75
Internal phone: 117
Address: 071400 Republic of Kazakhstan, Semey, st. Baiseitova 5
Methodical work
Research work
Achievements of students
The department “Information Systems and Computer Science” carries out the task of formation of information culture of students of the Kazakhstan innovative university. Prevailing currently socio – economic and socio-cultural conditions require specialist training, a competitive labor market. The main task of high school – to raise the professional and social competence of graduates, to teach them to navigate the ever-changing flow of information, think independently, critically and creatively. Today, it is impossible without the mastery of student knowledge, abilities and skills of using information technologies in the future professional activity.
Department of “Information Systems” was established in 2004, before the chair was called the department “Naturally – scientific and general subjects.” In different periods of time, since 2000, the department was headed by Head: Dr. AP Mustafayev, Head: Dr. Izmailov, AL, Ph.D. Shaihova MK .., now the department is headed by Doctor PhD Kurmangaliyeva NK In 2013, in connection with the transformation of the Kazakh Finance and Economics Academy in Kazakhstan innovative university changed the name of the department to “Information Systems and Computer Science”.
Chair of Partners for long and fruitful years are: Novosibirsk State Technical University. II Polzunova, Kazakh Economic University im.T. Ryskulov University Turan. Leading experts of these universities was conducted lectures, seminars, round tables to exchange experiences, participate in international scientific conferences.
Now the department trains bachelors in two specialties:
5V070300 – “Information systems”
5V070400 – “Computer Engineering and Software”.
The department has a good material and technical base and qualified teaching faculty, which allows students to receive high-quality professional knowledge and to become experts in the field of information technology.
Methodical work
Educational – methodical work aimed at ensuring the specialties of the department of educational-methodical and visual aids for the conduct of the educational process. 7 teaching aids developed over the past three years, 20 – electronic textbooks, laboratory manuals and guidelines for the implementation of practical training and SRSP
Research work
Department of “Information Systems” Collective for 3y.o. working on the implementation of the methodology of scientific – research topic “Current trends in the training of professional personnel in the conditions of higher education modernization” (state registration number 0115RK01122.) The name of the cathedral of research topics: “Using the mathematical apparatus in the study Information and communication technology training professional personnel in high school. “
The purpose of the Cathedral of research topics: the development of theoretical and methodological and applied aspects of the transformation of the methodology of training in modern Kazakh Education
The studies revealed teaching methods, techniques and technologies used in the teaching process, and identifies ways to improve the methodological support of the educational process.
As part of the research topics have been published more than 100 articles in the collection of PBMCs, including articles with non-zero impact factor in the recommended magazines KKSON, RISC base; performed graduate work and master’s thesis at the request of enterprises with practical and scientific significance of acts of introduction into production, developed laboratory courses and collections of test tasks and implemented in the educational process.
Achievements of students
The department paid great attention to the research work of students at different times functioned scientific circles “Informatics”, “Quantum”, “New information technologies”. The aims and objectives of the NIRS is to increase students’ interest in the disciplines “Informatics”, “Physics”, spec. disciplines; formation of skills of independent and team work; develop students’ logical thinking; improve self-awareness and self-esteem; the formation of ideas about information and new technologies at the present stage; to familiarize students with the information.
Students of “Information Systems” has repeatedly won prizes at the Olympics:
– Republican Subject Olympiad “Information Technology” MES in KazNTU. Satpayev, 2010 .;
2011 in Moscow at the International Finals of the Olympiad «IT -PLANETA – 2010″ took 5th place among Ilyasov T. in privateers finals from Russia, Ukraine and Kazahstana.2012g. the Republican final «IT -PLANETA – 2010″ International Competition for Students and S. Strukov – 1st place, Kabdulkakov O. showed great rezultat.Student 4th year Kazakhstan innovative university faculty “Information Systems” Sovetkanov E. showed good results in the qualifying stages of the Olympiad «iT-Planet 2014/15″, taking 2nd place in Kazakhstan in the competition “The Protocols, services and equipment” and defended the honor of the university at the international final (May 22-25, St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Peter the Great) .Studenty specialties “IC” and “BT & Software» took part in the International Olympiad of professional skills of students in institutions of HPE and SVE “Network and system administration” (09.03.15-30.04.15 year Ural Radio Technical College named after AS Popov) were sertifikatami.V awarded the annual scientific session was held the event “Night of science” (April 2016), on which the projects presented “energy-saving method of controlled illumination with the use of” green “technologies to the CVU” (head: PhD Kuminov PB, K. Smagulov B., team name: Quantum CVU) and “Mathematical model of data of educational achievements of students KIA” (head: a PhD Kuminov PB, Almabaev D.ZH .. team: Factor group) were awarded diplomas 1 and 2 stepeni.S purpose of education scientific interest in the principles of science, career guidance, and identify the level of training of future students Department annually organizes and conducts the Olympiad in mathematics, physics, computer science among schoolchildren of the city and studentov.Studenty specialty “Information systems” talented and gifted personality, win prizes in music and creative competitions, actively involved in sports, have nagradyKollektiv Department of “Information systems” under the guidance of head of the Department Dr. PhD Kurmangaliyeva NK has the potential, trying to keep pace with the times, making every effort to achieve this goal.