The main objectives of the annual message of the President of the country to the citiznes of Kazakhstan were discussed at a collective meeting of the Kazakhstan innovation university, chaired by Professor NA. Apsalyamova.
The leader of the nation N.A. Nazarbayev delivered the message to the people of Kazakhstan about “New opportunities for development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution”. The annual message of the President of the country to the citizens is an important event for any Kazakhstani. Each message is a step towards the renewed development of the country, the fulfillment of those tasks that were indicated in previous messages, to enter the 30 of the most developed countries of the world.
In his message, the president singled out ten main tasks: industrialization; further development of the resource potential; “Smart technologies” are a chance for a breakthrough in the development of the agriculture industrial complex; increase the efficiency of transport and logistics infrastructure; introduction of modern technologies in construction and municipal sector; “Reset” the financial sector; human capital is the basis of modernization; effective public administration; the fight against corruption and the rule of law and “smart cities” for the “smart nation”.
During the meeting, the report was delivered byD.Sc, the vice-rector Bukhaevа A.A., who spoke about the main points of the message, which states that for successful navigation and adaptation in a new world, it is necessary to introduce modern technologies, digitization in all spheres of life and activity of Kazakhstan ( in state structures, in education systems, healthcare, businesses, labor markets, communication, constructions, municipal sectors, etc.) Therefore, in all areas it is necessary to introduce and apply new methods of working, visit of the high quality requirements.
Important for the teaching staff is the seventh direction “Human capital – the basis of modernization,” emphasized in a speech the pedagogical sciences Bespayeva G.K. She drew the attention on her colleagues to the President’s words that “the key priority of educational programs should be the development of the ability for a constant adaption to changes and assimilation of new knowledge. It will be necessary to revise the approaches to training and the development of teachers’ qualifications.
“To meet the new time, we have to unite in a single nation – a nation standing on the threshold of historical ascent in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, these words summed up the meeting.