October 24, the Department of “History and Ethnopolitics” held a round table in the preparation of graduates for practical training. The event began with the introductory words of the head of the chair of the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Bespayeva G.K. During the round table, teachers together with students discussed the methodology of modeling professional situations in the educational process.
In the process of teaching English by high school students at school, they include business training games that are close to real-life situations, so future graduate students offered games that will be conducted during work experience as part of the study on the topic “In the country of the studied language”.
Young students were invited to the event as participants in the game. The first presented the game “At the airport” M. Zhakiyanova. She outlined the goal of the whole game and each of its stages in accordance with the script. 1st year students divided the roles of airport employees, making room for actors. In the process of preparing the game, an exchange of views took place, a collective decision was discussed and made.
Two intellectual games with the use of audio and video materials in the countries of the language being taught were offered by J.E. Tokbosynova. and Kydyrmoldinova M.
Business games were organized by graduates at a fairly high level: almost all first-year students who served as pupils of schools were involved in the learning process, exchanged knowledge and ideas, which allowed not only to gain new knowledge, but also to develop cognitive activity.
After each game, the experts, Vice-Rector on strategic development and educational –methodological work AM Kombarova, Vice-Rector on scientific work and innovations Mukhamadieva A.A analyzed the work of future teachers and gave methodological advice on improving the methodology of the games at school.