Kazakhstan innovative academy is a young university, but it has a rich academic tradition as the basis for its emergence, establishment and further development was the Kazakh Academy of Finance and Economics.
Kazakh Finance and Economics Academy was founded in 1992 as Agrotechnicaluniversity. In 1994, the university was renamed as the Semipalatinsk Institute of Business and Entrepreneurship, in 2000, as the Kazakh Finance and Economics Institute, in 2008 as the Kazakh Finance and Economics Academy.
The founder and the president is Apsalyamov Nadirbek Apsalyamovich – Dr. ofeconomic Sciences, professor, member of Academy of Natural Sciences of theRepublic of Kazakhstan. He was awarded the order “Kurmet”, jubilee medals of“20 Years of Independence”, the 100th anniversary of Lenin, marks of “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Excellence in Education of the Kazakh SSR”, “Excellence in Education of the USSR”, the medal “INSAM” for faultless goodwill in Geneva in 2006, and others.
In the Kazakh Finance and EconomicsAcademy operated three departments: Finance and Economics, Accounting and Economics and distance learning. The Academy conducted training in various fields and professions.
Bachelor degree courses: Economics, Finance, Accounting and Audit, Management, Law, Marketing, Governmental and local management, Tourism, Information Systems, Computer Engineering and Software, Evaluation.
Master‘s degree programmes: Marketing, Management, Economics, Information Systems, Finance, Accounting and Auditing.
To prepare specialists on demand in KazFEA all the necessary material and technical conditions were created: training and lecture rooms, computer classrooms, electronic library, reading rooms, sports, gyms, dining room, Debate and vocal studios. The university regularly held republican, international scientific-practical and scientific-theoretical conferences, seminars.
Every year the scientists of KazFEA carried out contractual and applied research projects. The Academy a quarterly published scientific-theoretical journal “KazFEA Bulletin – KazFEAKhabarshysy”, produced the university newspaper “Business – Bolashak”. In 2011 KazFEA won the grant for three years upon “Tempus” program for the implementation of a research project on the topic “Student Government”.
Cooperation agreements were signed between the University of Varna (Varna, Bulgaria) and KazFEA under which provided students training on specialty “Tourism”. The Academy cooperates with two American colleges of Solt Lake City (Utah) and St. Petersburg (Florida), has an experience of cooperation with Russian and Kazakhstan universities. The partners of the Academy are Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking (SAFB), Novosibirsk State Technical University named after I. Polzunov, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk State Agrarian University, Tomsk State Technical University, Siberian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics at the Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kazakh Economic University (KazEU) named after T. Ryskulov, University “Turan” and others. The monographs are ublished jointly with the partners ( “The impact of the strategic partnership of universities to improve the efficiency of Russia and Kazakhstan economic cooperation” – 2007, “Strategic partnership of universities as a factor in increasing the efficiency of Russia and Kazakhstan economic cooperation” – 2008, “Continuing professional education” – 2009 and others. ), collections of scientific works of faculty and other scientific publications.
In 2004, Board of the “International Foundation for Excellence in Business Practice” (FEBP, Switzerland) honored KazFEI represented by its president Professor N.Apsalyamov with Gold Medal “For high quality in business practice”. In 2007, the Kazakh Academy of Finance and Economics was awarded the international award «EUROPEAN QUALITY». In 2008, the decision of the Academic Council SAFBD KazFEA was awarded the status of “Gold Partner”. The President of KazFEA N. Apsalyamovu wasawarded the international award named after Socrates, for his personal contribution to the intellectual development of modern society.
In May 2013, KazFEA changed status and was transformed into Kazakhstan innovative university. The Control Committee in the sphere of education and science of MES RK 18.06.2013 issued General License №13009604 to conduct educational activities in the programs of higher and postgraduate education. Nowadays Kazakhstan innovative university provides training in 15 bachelor and 8 master‘s specialties.
Kazakhstan innovative university is a young university, but it has a rich academic tradition as the basis for its emergence, establishment and further development was the Kazakh Academy of Finance and Economics.
Kazakh Finance and Economics Academy was founded in 1992 as Agrotechnical university. In 1994, the university was renamed as the Semipalatinsk Institute of Business and Entrepreneurship, in 2000, as the Kazakh Finance and Economics Institute, in 2008 as the Kazakh Finance and Economics Academy.
The founder and the president is Apsalyamov Nadirbek Apsalyamovich – Dr. of economic Sciences, professor, member of Academy of Natural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was awarded the order “Kurmet”, jubilee medals of “20 Years of Independence”, the 100th anniversary of Lenin, marks of “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Excellence in Education of the Kazakh SSR”, “Excellence in Education of the USSR”, the medal “INSAM” for faultless goodwill in Geneva in 2006, and others.
In the Kazakh Finance and EconomicsAcademy operated three departments: Finance and Economics, Accounting and Economics and distance learning. The Academy conducted training in various fields and professions.
Bachelor degree courses: Economics, Finance, Accounting and Audit, Management, Law, Marketing, Governmental and local management, Tourism, Information Systems, Computer Engineering and Software, Evaluation.
Master‘s degree programmes: Marketing, Management, Economics, Information Systems, Finance, Accounting and Auditing.
To prepare specialists on demand in KazFEA all the necessary material and technical conditions were created: training and lecture rooms, computer classrooms, electronic library, reading rooms, sports, gyms, dining room, Debate and vocal studios. The university regularly held republican, international scientific-practical and scientific-theoretical conferences, seminars.
Every year the scientists of KazFEA carried out contractual and applied research projects. The Academy a quarterly published scientific-theoretical journal “KazFEA Bulletin – KazFEAKhabarshysy”, produced the university newspaper “Business – Bolashak”. In 2011 KazFEA won the grant for three years upon “Tempus” program for the implementation of a research project on the topic “Student Government”.
Cooperation agreements were signed between the University of Varna (Varna, Bulgaria) and KazFEA under which provided students training on specialty “Tourism”. The Academy cooperates with two American colleges of Solt Lake City (Utah) and St. Petersburg (Florida), has an experience of cooperation with Russian and Kazakhstan universities. The partners of the Academy are Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking (SAFB), Novosibirsk State Technical University named after I. Polzunov, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk State Agrarian University, Tomsk State Technical University, Siberian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics at the Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kazakh Economic University (KazEU) named after T. Ryskulov, University “Turan” and others. The monographs are ublished jointly with the partners ( “The impact of the strategic partnership of universities to improve the efficiency of Russia and Kazakhstan economic cooperation” – 2007, “Strategic partnership of universities as a factor in increasing the efficiency of Russia and Kazakhstan economic cooperation” – 2008, “Continuing professional education” – 2009 and others. ), collections of scientific works of faculty and other scientific publications.
In 2004, Board of the “International Foundation for Excellence in Business Practice” (FEBP, Switzerland) honored KazFEI represented by its president Professor N.Apsalyamov with Gold Medal “For high quality in business practice”. In 2007, the Kazakh Academy of Finance and Economics was awarded the international award «EUROPEAN QUALITY». In 2008, the decision of the Academic Council SAFBD KazFEA was awarded the status of “Gold Partner”. The President of KazFEA N. Apsalyamovu wasawarded the international award named after Socrates, for his personal contribution to the intellectual development of modern society.
In May 2013, KazFEA changed status and was transformed into Kazakhstan innovative university. The Control Committee in the sphere of education and science of MES RK 18.06.2013 issued General License №13009604 to conduct educational activities in the programs of higher and postgraduate education. Nowadays Kazakhstan innovative academy provides training in 15 bachelor and 8 master‘s specialties.