Department of History and Ethnic Policy
Head: Abenova Gulnur Atymtaevna
Phone: +7 (7222) 56-08-75
Internal phone: 102
Address: 071400 Republic of Kazakhstan, Semey, st. Baiseitova 5
Methodical work
Research work
Achievements of students
Department «History and ethno-politics” is a subdivision of the Kazakhstan innovative university. Staff of the department provides
the teaching of the humanities (Kazakh,
Russian, English, modern history of Kazakhstan, philosophy), necessary for the formation of the competitive expert. There is a growing demand for specialists possessing key competencies in the field of
humanities – all this, taken together, should
promote the expansion of adaptation possibilities of the future graduate, his social success. Department «History and ethno-politics” has made a significant contribution to solving this problem.
The department is simultaneously produces, which trains specialists in areas 5V011700 “Kazakh language and literature”. “5B 011900” Foreign language: two foreign languages “.
The department provides training of competitive professional with skills and abilities practical knowledge of colloquial everyday speech and the language of a specialty for the active use of a foreign language, both in everyday and professional communication, capable of performing continuous self-education and improve their skills throughout life through the knowledge of foreign languages .
5V011700 graduate specialty “Kazakh language and literature” gets an academic degree – Bachelor of Kazakh language and literature, can work in secondary schools, junior researcher in the research centers, literary and cultural institutions, publishers, schools, high schools, and colleges.
Kazakh language and literature specialists may also work: in the production and management of public bodies, a variety of business enterprises in the production departments to maintain documentation and records, as well as work in printing.
Objects of professional activity: education, training, organizational work, literary and cultural sphere, reading course in the Kazakh language and literature lectures in secondary common schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, as well as specialty can organize scientific, literary, cultural events, etc.
Education in the specialty is aimed at ensuring education is competitive, competent specialists, meeting the requirements of modern education in market conditions
The content of professional activity Bachelor of Education majoring 5V011900- Foreign language: two foreign languages: a quality organization and management of teaching process, focus on the active development of studying methods of cognitive activity, the personal significance of education, the orientation of the whole educational process on the individual student, providing the possibility of its self-discovery and self-realization , the use of various pedagogical technologies, creation of favorable conditions for self-education and professional orientation of the student, psychologically and methodically correct construction of educational activities aimed at developing the trainees features of the subject of intercultural communication, capable of reflecting inofonnuyu picture of the world by means of the target language, their own professional action planning based on objective patterns and modern requirements for foreign language education.
Methodical work
Methodical work of faculty «History and ethno-politics” is organized in the following areas: a comprehensive and methodical support of the educational process; vzaimoposescheny training faculty chairs; innovative forms and methods of teaching; release training manuals; independent work of students; professional practice; improvement of professional skills. On the basis of the department of educational and methodical plan for the teaching staff develops educational-methodical complexes and syllabus according to the approved subjects. The department is methodical, lectures, seminars and CPC to increase knowledge.
The faculty of the Department of «History and ethno-politics”
conduct a systematic multi-level training of Kazakh students,
Russian, English and French languages, intercultural communicative competence, ability to correlate linguistic resources to specific areas of practice.
Teachers of the department developed training manuals, guidelines for preparation for practical classes, SRSP, the CDS, the implementation of projects and dissertations.
Research work
Research work at the Department is carried out in accordance with a plan drawn up on the basis of the research program of activities KIU activities. Since 2015 the department carried out research work on the topic “Methodological aspects of teaching social and humanities and social sciences.” Under this theme the teachers were prepared and published articles at conferences at various levels, training manuals “Dіntanu”, “Religion”, “Stylistics”, “Kazakh dialektologiyasy changed leksikologiyasy” and dr.Prepodavateli department take an active part in foreign and international congresses, conferences , round tables. Research activities at the department is conducted in priority areas of fundamental research. Educational rabotaTselyu educational work is the formation of versatile developed, morally mature creative personality of the learner, capable of self-organization of self-determination and self-realization. Achieving tselivospitaniya at the department involves the following main objectives: – Formation of citizenship, patriotism and national identity on the basis of the state ideologii.- Formation of moral, aesthetic and environmental values and kultury.- Mastering the skills of a healthy way zhizni.- Creating conditions for socialization, self-development and self-realization lichnosti.- Preparation for independent living, work, professional otvetstvennosti.Vazhneyshim principle of all the work of the department is the indissoluble unity of training and education of students. The very process of learning – a powerful factor of education. The Department is committed to ensuring that the lectures and practical classes contributed to the formation of personal qualities of future specialist on the basis of the ideas of patriotism, citizenship, humanism, the development of a student’s sense of responsibility, knowing that a better future can not be postroenoavtomaticheski, without the active participation of the student.