On December 14, within the walls of the Kazakhstan Innovation University, a biology Olympiad was held among 40 graduates of the city’s schools, organized by the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Design. Among the participants were schools №№ 10, 12, 15, 19, 21, 27, 31, 34, 42, 48″. the head of the department, associate professor Zhakiyanova Zh..G, acquainted with the goal and tasks of the Olympiad, wished success to each participant in her welcoming speech,. The Olympiad took place in 2 rounds: passing the testing and participating in an intellectual quiz. According to the results of the first round for the second 16 students passed. Actively and correctly answering the questions of the game, having scored the most points, the winners were announced the following:1 place – Tansykbaeva Dana (secondary school № 27);2 nd place – Maxim Kuznetsov (School No. 34);3 rd place – Turlybaeva Dana (School No. 34). The winners of the Olympiad and their scientific leaders were awarded diplomas. Thanks to the good preparation of the students for the Olympiad, letters of appreciation from the President of the KIU were received by the teachers of secondary school No. 10 Goncharenko NG, School No. 31 Katpenova BB, Molchibaeva DK, School No. 15 Kudaibergenova SA, Mukhamedieva S.A. ., School No. 21 Aitkalieva BA, School No. 15 Kudaibergenova SA, School No. 34 Olzhayeva GR, Erkintayeva BE, Ahmetkarimova B.Zh., School No. 27 Tokhtanov TA, School №42 Zaurembekova Sh.I., school 12 Zhuravkina OB, School № 19 Bakabaeva AB, School № 48 Botabayeva Zh.S.At the same time, the participants of the Olympiad were given an excursion around the university, a film about the university was shown.
Zhakiyanova Zh.G., head of the department of pedagogy, psychology and design.