On the occasion  on  the state holiday “Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan” the vice-rector on internationalization, social and educational work of  university , doctor  of  political sciences Bukhaeva AA was awarded by regular certificate of akim of Semey city and a valuable gift for her  productive pedagogical activity, contribution to the preparation of qualified specialists for the region and active participation to the public life of the city according  the recommendation of the “Family Center” public foundation.

   Anara Argynovna takes an active part in city’s youth events for the spiritual and moral education of the city’s student and promotes family values on the basis of traditional social and cultural values.

  Bukhaeva AA is an active participant in the social life of the city of Semey.   She organizes and conducts conferences, seminars, roundtables on topical issues of youth. She speaks to the public of the city on the explanation of the main points of the annual Addresses of the President to the people of Kazakhstan.

  Anara Argynovna was awarded by diplomas of the akim of the East Kazakhstan region and akim of Semey city for her contribution to the strengthening of domestic political stability, an active civil position, support for the country’s chosen course towards the creation of an economically stable state.

  Bukhayev AA is congratulated by the staff of teachers and students of the Kazakhstan Innovative University.
