Institute of Business, Law and Education
Institute Director
Shaikhova Madina
Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Institute of Business, Law and Education is one of structural subdivisions of Kazakhstan Innovative University. It was formed on the basis of two faculties (Faculty of Economics & Information Systems and Faculty of Law, Education & Liberal Arts) by Kazakhstan Innovative University’s President Decree no.20 dated August 29, 2016. Institute realizes Bachelor and Master Programs.
Bachelor degree courses by specialties:
5В 050600 – Economics
5В 050900 – Finance
5В 050800 – Accounting and Auditing
5В 090200 – Tourism
5В 051000 – State and Local Management
5В 071100 – Information System
5В 070400 – Computer Science and Software
5В 030100 – Law
5В 010300 – Pedagogy and Psychology
5В 050300 – Psychology
5В 011700 – Kazakh language and Literature
5В 011900 – Foreign language: two foreign languages
5В 010700 – Designing
5В 042100 – Fine Arts
Master degree courses by specialties:
6М050600 – Economics
6М050800 – Accounting and Auditing
6М050900 – Finance
6М050700 – Management
6М070300 – Information systems
6М030100 – Law
6М010300 – Pedagogy and Psychology
There are 6 departments within the University: “Economics and Finance”, “Auditing and Tourism”, “Information Systems and Computer Sciences”, “Law”, “History and Ethnopolitics”, “Pedagogy, Psychology and Designing”. Heads of Departments are A.A.Bukhayeva (Doctor of Political Sciences), A.A.Mukhammadiyeva (Candidate of Economic Sciences), G.A.Abenova (Candidate of Historical Sciences), N.K.Kurmangaliyeva (PhD), B.K.Kadyrov (PhD), Zh.G.Zhakiyanova (PhD).
Education process is realized according to State regulations and standards on Higher Education institutions and University’s internal regulatory documents.
Education Process Control Department is a structural division responsible for the quality of teaching and learning. Routine, Intermediate and Final Assessment is carried out in accordance to Standard procedures for Routine, Intermediate and Final Assessment of undergraduate students academic performance for Higher Education Institutions; these procedures were approved by Decree no.125 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2008 (with amendments).
Scientific, pedagogical and educational activities are carried out within 6 departments by more than 200 teachers including 26 professors, 80 teachers having candidate of science degrees, 1 current member of Natural Sciences Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 4 current members of International Informatization Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 3 members of Designers Union of Kazakhstan, Artists Union of Kazakhstan and Eurasian Designers Union.
Three-language education was launched at KIU during 2015-2016 academic year within frameworks of “New Kazakhstan in a New World” Presidential Address dated on 26.02.2007 to improve foreign language competence. Nowadays we have classes in Kazakh and Russian both (despite the language of study), and in English for some groups. 64% of academic staff gives classes in two languages (Russian and Kazakh or Russian and English), 13% in three languages. Institute cooperates with leading universities in Kazakhstan, Russia, near-abroad and overseas countries. It allows us to participate in different international conferences, workshops, improve teaching staff qualification to achieve international teaching level and realize academic mobility program.
There are over 3000 students from different regions of Kazakhstan, CIS countries, Russia, Mongolia learning 14 specialties in intramural and extramural forms.
Finance, Law, IS, Tourism, Psychology students take part in STUDIK 516802 -ТЕМРUS-1-2011-1-КZ-ТЕМРUS-SMGR (Students self-governance and Democratic Involvement in Kazakhstan) International Project of EU Tempus program. This project focused on Higher Education improvement through cooperation of universities in EU and other regions (Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, North Africa and Near East). Project coordinator is a Law Department Chairman, Doctor of Political Sciences A.A. Bukhayeva.
We have Finance and Psychology students with scholarship founded by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Kombarova D., Samarova R. Following IS, Finance, Pedagogy and Psychology students have Kazkommertsbank JSC funded scholarship: Baltabayev A., Kuanysheva A., Nurgeldi A., Hapan A., Makhatova A. Maksutova S., Konyrbayeva A. have HalykBank JSC scholarship for Finance studies.
Students are involved in scientific research activities to study specific problems within learning and practical activities. There are 6 student scientific clubs. Students participate in Republican and International Academic Olympiads, forums, online conferences. Institute carries out Academic Olympiads in the field of Geography, Computer Science, Math, Physics, Biology, and Foreign Language for pupils and college students. Our students are also members of different youth organizations, KVN (Club of the Funny and Inventive People) leaders, they take part in various events held within University and Semey city: Students Initiation Ceremony, Student talents, Teachers day, Financier day, “Unity of Nation and the President ”, New Year Ball, Viennese Ball, Gentleman XXI, Nauryz, Accountants day, «Тiл – достықтың кепiлi», «Ана тілім – ажарым, асыл мұрам!», «Болашаққа жарқын қадаммен!», Psychologists day, Lawyer day, Health day.
Some of our students are Kazakhstan Champions or hold other athletic titles: S.Khalelov is a Candidate for Master of Sport in Kyokushin Karate, silver medalist of Kazakhstan Championship; N.Nurlanov is a Candidate for Master of Sport in Greco-Roman wrestling, Champion of Kazakhstan; N.Gafurova is a Master of Sport in Taekwondo, bronze medalist of World Championship; T.Tursynkhanova is a silver medalist of Kazakhstan Championship in Taekwondo; O.Agabekov is a silver medalist of World Championship in Taekwondo (Spain); Ye. Akhmetzhanov achieved II place during Kudo Open Cup (Astana); A. Akmaghambet is a silver medalist of Kickboxing Championship in Kazakhstan; Ye.Amantayev is a winner of Republic Boxing Tournament; K.Abdulla is Kazakhstan Champion in Kyokushin Karate.
University offers 50% discount for education within “Narbota KIU – 2020” program to school graduates with academic, scientific or sport achievements and school graduates from socially disadvantaged families. Program is aimed to support youth to get high quality education through sponsor-funded scholarship and future employment assistance for Kazakhstan Innovative University’s graduates. University accepted 68 students in 2015-2016 and 30 students in 2016-2017 within program frameworks.
University motivates and inspires students for academic achievements by following programs: “Best freshman”, “Best student”, “Best group”, “Intellectual of the year”, “Activist of the year”. Winners of abovementioned titles are encouraged with cash bonuses and University President Certificates. Following student won titles during 2015-2016 academic year: Best Freshmen are Blasbayev B. (BT-11 group student), Sayatov M. (Ю-11), Rakhimbekova D. (ПС-11); Best Students are Nurgeldi A. (Ф-21), Kanapiyanova Ye (ГМУ-21), Kombarova D. (Ф-32); Intellectuals of the Year are Toleubekova N. (ПП-31), Samarova R. (ПС-32), Baltabayev A. (ИС-11); Activists of the Year are Zhangazin B. (Ф-31), Omarova N. (Ф-31), Bakhytbekov A (ПП-31), Khamitova D. (ТУ-32); Best Groups are ИС-11, ВТ-11, ПС-11.
The most important indicator of high quality education is an employment of University graduates. “Roadmap of Kazakhstan Innovative University graduates employment” was created for graduates employment support. Average employment rate of our 2013-2016 graduates is above 85%.
Among huge number of graduates we have ones that continued their education abroad: Tokenov Duman, Bolashak program participant, student of INTO City, University of London, Southampton University; Yerkimbayev Kaisar, PRC, Jianqxi University and Economics; Tulakbayev Yernur, PRC, University of technology.
University’s graduates work in Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Treasury, ministries and governmental institutions, regional and local administration offices, tax department, banks, courts, law enforcement authorities, tourism and services sector (in Kazakhstan and overseas) and education sector as well. Institute facilities and resources correspond to modern requirements and standards. Specialized classrooms are available within departments: Finance, Economics, Accounting, Tourism, Criminalistics, Health&Safety, Ecology, Design, Fine Arts, Laboratory, Multimedia rooms. University has significant number of classrooms, library includes more than 300000 books, specialized literature, and periodical publications, there are event hall, reading room and canteen at University. Innovative Learning Techniques Centre provides computers availability for educational process, carries out record keeping system automation and information systems implementation. Basis of KIU information system is computers and telecommunication equipment complex.