On the eve of the holiday at the Kazakhstani Innovation University, the “History and Ethnopolitics” department prepared a series of radio and television programs “Otan Tarihi”, the library of the University organized the thematic exhibitions “My Kazakhstan”, “Looking to the Future: Modernizing Public Consciousness”, “26 years of Independence Kazakhstan “. On December 14, a solemn event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held. Students of the University were congratulated by the President of the University Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Apsalyamov NA. He called on young people to be patriots of their country, competitive specialists, to strive for excellent studies and cherish the Independence of Kazakhstan. Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Buhaeva AA made a presentation on «Тәуелсіздік – қасиет тұнған ұлы ұғым» in which she highlighted the milestones of the formation and development of independent Kazakhstan.
Students-honors students, active participants in public life of the university and the city were awarded with letters of the president of the KIU. The organizers of the event prepared a festive program. Patriotic songs, national dances were performed. The main attention during the holiday was paid to the formation of a sense of pride, patriotism and respect for the history of their state.