November 18 at the University of traditional contest “Zhastalap” among the groups of the first course. The purpose of the contest: the identification of gifted students, teambuilding groups, the first course in preparation for the competition, consolidation of student university staff, students instilling a sense of respect for the traditions of the university, the patriotic attitude to the institution. During the months passed the qualifying round of the competition, where they were presented with different genres: dance, song, skits, performance ensembles and vocal groups.
The most striking performance bylagluboko patriotic and heartfelt staging group PS-11 “Aққular ұyyқtaғanda”, which was accompanied by a dance of white swans in the performance TuskunovoyTogzhan, Ahmetova Aidan Shalғynbekovoy Aigerim, OrazbaevoyAygerim in beautiful ball gowns, group performance (U-12) with the song “Hello capital “.
Do not leave indifferent spectators and the jury statement MahmetzhanovoyAidy (gr.F-11), prizeramezhdunarodnyh and republican contests “Ғұmyrdariya”, “Asyl Mura”, “Salem, Astana”, “Ak kөgershіn” showed, in addition to the brilliant vocal, outstanding artistic abilities, the ability to stand on the stage, beautiful vocal Sembinov Aibek (U-12), prize-winner of city and regional creative competitions, pretty plastic and waste dance technique Zhumagulov Diana (gr.Yu-12), active participation in several genres AhmetzhanaArystana (PS-11) . A pleasant surprise was all the viewers and that the freshmen will have a komandaKVN. One student group uchastnikov- F-11TұrsynovElaman. At the competition, he presented several sketches dedicated a new period of life – the student body vAIMAMATER.
The jury noted the responsible attitude of groups in the preparation of the competition: a case presentation of papers and video presentations, stage design, the selection of costumes for vystupleniya.Vo all felt a collective approach, assistance and mentoring supervisors, the student government.
At the conclusion of the event the jury summed up the contest.
By the number of points took first place group F-11.Ona won the nomination “Best Group” .Vtoroe place was won by a group of PS-11. The third prize won by a group Y-12.Nominatsii “Voice KIA” was awarded Mahmetzhanova Aida (gr.F-11), in the category “Super Dance” best nazvanaZhumagulova Diana (gr.Yu-12). In the nomination “The most active student” became AhmetzhanArystan (gr.PS-11). In the category “Best Group newspaper” won the group IC 11.Nominatsiya “Discovery of the Year” awarded to the student group U-12 SembinovuAybeku.
The winners were awarded with a diploma of the University President Professor N.A.Apsalyamova and valuable gifts.
Teachers and students is no doubt that first-year students will continue to adequately fine traditions of our university students, will bring their own, special and unique that in the future will allow proudly wear the title of CVU student.
Bespaeva GK , Chairman of the jury “Zhastalap”.