October 27 Kazakhstan Innovation University held a festive dedication to freshmen students. On that day, members of the student government prepared a rich program for them.

By tradition, yesterday’s schoolchildren celebrated  the beginning of their student life. the president of the university, Doctor of Economics, Professor Apsalyamov NA congratulated the newcomers  students with a wonderful holiday. “Dear students,” said Nadirbek Apsalyamovich, “you have become a part of our university! In 2017, you made your own independent and important step, chose your specialty, chose KIU.

Among you are excellent students, winners of olympiads, competitions. Good luck!”

The most exciting moment of the holiday was the oath of a freshman. The students gave oath to be worthy students, carry an important name of KIU. They gave the oath always remain faithful to the student brotherhood, support, help each other.

The oath was given not only by first-year students, but also by their  tutors.

The the  most important moment was the transfer of the first-year students’ groups of an important document in their student’s life – a student card, officially becoming students of the Kazakhstan Innovation University. Also given a symbolic “Key of Knowledge” was  given  to freshmen students .

On this day and freshmen showed themselves preparing a newspaper wall and flash mob on the topic “Me and KIU.” In this small competition all freshmen took part, surprised  with their talent.

Ceremony “Dedication to students” our students pass already in anniversary 25 times, exactly twenty five years ago the first students. Members of the Student Government had prepared an exciting program, dance and music numbers, creating a cozy atmosphere.

I want to believe that all first-year students of the year 2017 will loudly announce themselves within the walls of the university and beyond, glorify their native university and become a model for new generations of student brotherhood.