During the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of our state university received a letter to the president of the University N.A. Apsalyamov from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where it was reported that the head of the department “Accounting and Tourism” of Kazakhstan Innovative University, Ph.D., associate professor A.A. Mukhamadieva is among the 200 best teachers of the country.
To get the title “The best teacher of the university -2016” in the satate contest of MES RK, Mukhamadieva Aizhan Argynovna gained the maximum score on all indicators of scientific and educational activities, which was assessed by actualized qualitative and quantitative assessment of applicants’ job. Including development, participation and the publication of course books, monographs, manuals in English; a certificate of successful completion of training at the exchange rate on the basis of platforms massive open online course in a foreign language for professional activities.
Mukhamadieva Aizhan Argynovna is the winner of scientific grant of MES RK “For talented young scientists” 2010-2012, the grant of “Bolashak” 2013, Intern University of California (United States, Santa Barbara). She speaks English, completed language courses at the International Language Centre in the United States (California, Santa Barbara) twice. Author of more than 50 scientific and methodical works, published in the country and abroad (including the United States, Austria, Bulgaria, Russia, the Netherlands), has published an article with impact factor in ranking scientific journal (Scopus’), manuals, monographs, teaching methods of disciplines. Developer of Modular education on the specialty 5BO5O0800 -Accounting and audit and 6M050800 -Accounting and audit, video lectures in English, electronic manuals.
In 2015 – 2016 academic year Mukhamadieva A.A. proposed a new subject “Formation of accounting thesaurus” in English, which was approved by the Scientific Council and implemented into the educational process.
Aizhan Argynovna is highly qualified specialist. She teaches in Russian and English at a high scientific and theoretical level special disciplines such as: “Management Accounting 2”, “Accounting”, “Advanced Financial Accounting”, “Professionally-oriented foreign language”. According to the results of the survey “Teacher through students’ eyes” in 2016 won the highest score at the university – 10 points.
Winner of a number of state and foreign training certificates, including of international importance.
Every year she guides master’s dissertation and bachelor’s diploma works, many of them are practical and in demand in the production (there are acts of implementing of the results of research), acts as a reviewer and opponent of diploma master’s and other scientific works.
In 2015 she was awarded the medal “Leader of Education” of International creative association “Beybіtshіlіk alemi” for effective work in higher education, research activities and creative contribution to the practical training.
In 2016, for achievements in the research work is included into the encyclopedia “Best in Education”.
Bespaeva GK, scientific secretary of KIU, Candidate of pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor.